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Do Not Throw The Baby Out With The Bath Water – AMOJ

I read a story on how a young girl got pregnant outside wedlock and her parents forced her to go and marry the man, even when it’s glaring she was raped.

Most of our Nigerian parents wouldn’t hesitate to take their daughters to whosoever that got them pregnant, notwithstanding the circumstances behind the pregnancy in a bid to save the family’s name and conform to popular standards.

In as much NO Parent will be happy that her young daughter got pregnant as a single, but I also think pushing the girl to perpetual agony and untold suffering isn’t the right thing to do.

Marital vows “For better for worse” should be extended to parenthood. Yea, no one prays for the worse from their children, but every parent should take absolute responsibilities for their children should such situation arise.

Just like you’ll happily walk up to a stage where your child is being given an award, to pose for some shots, smile and say “Yea, that’s my son/daughter to whosoever that cares to listen, you should also stand beside them in times of turmoil.

This article is in no way justifying young girls that get pregnant outside wedlock, with little or nothing to sustain themselves but a passionate appeal to parents, to always try despite all odds not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Pregnancy outside wedlock is not an end to life/career. Look beyond her mistakes, She can still make you a proud parent.

Adamazi Mbonu Onyi Jennifer.


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